4 Compelling eCommerce resolutions for Customer Pain Points

Are you worried about why your customer does not end up buying any product from an eCommerce store?
Well, this happens, when customers experience ‘friction’ on your eCommerce website and due to which you might lose them forever.

Remember, “A primary impression can last a lifetime!”

Now, eCommerce is becoming more vital than ever as shoppers flock mostly online.
So, solving any online store pain points should be at the highest of your list.

Here are 4 eCommerce pain points customers hate, and the way you’ll explain them to deliver a far better customer experience and improve your bottom line:

1. Keep your payment process simple by offering a guest checkout

According to research, it is said that 75% of consumers abandon their cart rather than purchasing. Want to know WHY? It is because of the complicated checkout processes. https://www.koffeetech.com/digital/

The payment process is one of the foremost critical parts of the customer journey, right?

Ultimately, it’s the difference between customers clicking away or making a sale. Therefore, it must be as easy as possible.
Multiple checkout options and lengthy forms can work against you.

Instead, you ought to offer a simplified, minimalistic checkout process to spice up conversion rates. Streamline your multiple checkout options into one system and be ready to accommodate every single customer with a spread of payment options.

Always remember, customer time is very precious, and that they can hand over on a sale within seconds. Meaning you ought even to be ready to offer a guest checkout to hurry up the method or else you will lose them.

2. Add only useful information to build trust, credibility: Therefore, the chances of conversion can grow

There is nothing worse than seeing something a customer would like to shop for and not having the knowledge to seek out the relevant information so that they would like to form a purchasing decision.

A scarcity of pertinent content does accurately this, and internet buyers find it incredibly frustrating if they undergo any situation as mentioned above.
See customers need and need only accurate information – what this product is, who it is for, why it’ll benefit them., etc.

At a minimum, your online shoppers want to ascertain short but informative product descriptions, high-resolution images of every product or service and testimonials if applicable.

3. Never sting your customers with hidden costs or wrong information.

A quick-fire thanks to losing your customer’s trust is to possess misinformation on your stores, like hidden fees or inaccurate shipping costs.

Make a note on this:
Remember, if you’re promoting a product that doesn’t have accurate information on its product page, a possible customer may click to a competitor.

If you’re promoting a product, then hitting potential customers with big shipping fees added when getting to the checkout, a possible customer won’t be happy and will not buy, don’t you agree?
All customers want to ascertain transparency throughout a web store.

4. Be relevant and clear about RETURNS

Returns aren’t first nature to e-commerce players, because it is traditionally an in-store interaction. However, with the expansion of online shopping, online returns became more relevant.
Well-known and BIG Brands like ASOS and Amazon Prime Wardrobe have begun to embrace this step of the shopping journey by including RETURN labels with every purchase and waiving return fees if sent back within a selected time-frame. Brands got to establish clear and versatile policies to unravel the pain point of online returns.

If any of those pain points resonate and continuously plague your business, it’s time to up your game and improve your online store experience to satisfy customer expectations.
With the thorough research, we found each of those issues has the potential to show your customers away, and people who are leading the way in eCommerce retailing ensure their store is customer-centric, pain-free, fast and straightforward to use.

If still you are not understanding or facing any issues, click here and clear your queries with our industry experts.

Do you know some more pain points of an eCommerce website?
If yes, then drop in the comment box and share your knowledge with everyone!

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